Community Events

Google Developer Groups-logo

Google Developer Groups

Google Developer Groups has an Edmonton chapter! Their vision is to foster an engaging and inclusive developer's community. A place where you can meet your fellow developers, career mentors, and boost your technical skills. Whether you are an advanced developer, or you just start to pivot your way in the tech industry, we welcome you to the community. They mostly focus on Google Technologies, such as Google Cloud Computing, Firebase, Flutter, Android, Machine Learning, and Earth Engine.

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Canada Learning Code

Canada Learning Code designs, delivers, and partners on technology education for people in Canada. They have workshops for kids, teens, girls, and adults. They are always looking for mentors, teachers and coordinators.

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Rainforest Alberta

Rainforest Alberta is an informal organization working towards improving Alberta's innovation ecosystem. They want Albertans to invent, prosper and move their ideas forward. Community members can join by signin a provided by them Social Contract. Their engagement with the Edmonton entrepreneurial community is through 3 different types of events: Weekly, Monthly & Annual Summits.

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Edmonton Linux Users Group

The Edmonton Linux User Group (ELUG) is a group of enthusiasts interested in sharing knowledge of Linux and GNU/Linux-based operating systems, experiences (and beer?), and enjoy the freedom and adventure of using free and open source software. Everybody is welcome. They virtually meet every 4th Thursday of the month.

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Open Hardware Meetup

The Open Hardware Meetup is a place where all kinds of people can share an interest in the intersection of hardware, software, connectivity, and user experience. Everyone is welcome. Some of their work examples from past includes: learn to solder, basics of arduino, automated basketball robots from high school team, magnetic computer displays for the virtually impaired. They meet every 2nd Thursday of every month.

Beta City YEG

Beta City YEG is Edmonton’s citizen driven meetup with a mandate to connect citizens with opportunities to learn about, provide feedback for, and participate in projects that improve their community through connection and technology. They meet every 4th Wednesday of the month.

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Edmonton Tech Wednesdays

Edmonton Tech Wednesdays is a weekly event where anyone who loves tech can mingle and connect with others in the tech sector in a casual and relaxed environment. Whether you're a developer, marketer, entrepreneur, or simply have an interest in tech, this is the perfect opportunity to network with like-minded individuals, exchange ideas, and build meaningful relationships.